An attorney and legal spokeswoman for Donald Trump has provided a big update after the 45th president was indicted in Georgia.

During an interview on Newsmax, Alina Habba said that Trump will be surrendering himself on Thursday in Fulton County, Georgia. Habba went on to slam “the fake news media” for permeating the U.S. justice system.

“Russia hoax, impeachment hoax, I mean keep going, keep going, keep going,” Habba said.

She continued: “What I think is the most frightening is not just the fake news media but that the fake news media, I think, is starting to permeate our court systems and our justice systems, and that’s what scares me.” She said. “If you’re on the right you tend to watch right-wing shows that confirm your beliefs; if you’re on the left you tend to watch things like MSDNC and CNN and that confirms your beliefs on the opposite side

“So the real question is, How do we start to open our eyes to the truth? And I think if we don’t have people out there giving the truth and I know I for one and I know you both do this, we try and really be intelligent about what we say and not just say what people want to hear.

“I for sure don’t do that, but if people don’t start doing that and stop being afraid of being targeted for being honest Americans we’re going to have a real problem.

“I think the [former] president [Trump] has a good point. You know we have a real tragedy happening in the television sector because people don’t trust what they’re watching. So, we can fix it and I take it seriously. I know you guys do but unfortunately, that’s not the way the American people view it all the time,” she said.

Habba stated that the proceedings surrounding Trump’s arraignment on Thursday in Georgia will be “quick” and that her boss will be “home safe” soon after.

Habba also spoke about the likelihood of a potential mug shot photo of Trump.

“I frankly don’t understand the purpose of it,” she said. “Do I think he cares if he has one? No. … This is a really despicable moment and for the president to take a mug shot when he is the most recognizable person on this planet [and] frankly is beyond me.

“It’s beyond me and it’s frankly just theatrics and that is not what this is supposed to be. It’s a serious matter and if [Georgia District Attorney Fani Willis] is gonna bring charges against a former president she better be able to put her big girl pants on and deal with the repercussions and the fight that we’ll give in court.”


The Trump campaign criticized Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and other prosecutors over his indictment related to allegations that he attempted to invalidate the state’s 2020 election results.

Trump and his allies have accused Willis and others of engaging in “election interference” aimed at hurting his 2024 presidential campaign.

“These activities by Democrat leaders constitute a grave threat to American democracy and are direct attempts to deprive the American people of their rightful choice to cast their vote for President,” the campaign statement said. “Call it election interference or election manipulation—it is a dangerous effort by the ruling class to suppress the choice of the people. It is un-American and wrong.”

Willis, who is prosecuting former President Donald Trump and others, got some bad news on Tuesday from a former federal prosecutor.

Former federal prosecutor Jennifer Rodgers said on CNN that Willis will probably not get what she wants.

The DA has set an ambitious goal of going to trial in the case against the former president and 18 others within six months.