Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert’s amendment to protect homeowners from “socialist Biden policies” has passed the U.S. House of Representatives.

“Today, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s amendment requiring the Government Accountability Office to publish a report on its website exposing the costs and process associated with the Biden administration’s socialist housing policies passed the House by voice vote with unanimous bipartisan consent. Boebert’s amendment will help protect homeowners from Biden’s disastrous scheme to raise fees for people with higher credit scores to subsidize those with lower credit scores,” Boebert’s office said in a press release.

“My commonsense amendment provides transparency for the American people and exposes the costs and arbitrary processes used by Biden’s minions to ram through his socialist housing policy that penalizes responsible homeowners to subsidize high-risk individuals. Unelected bureaucrats in Washington should not be able to impose these un-American regulations on hardworking middle-class families. This is a gross overreach and will ultimately exacerbate the growing inflation problem in this country,” Boebert said.

“Joe Biden’s decision to subsidize failure makes more sense when you realize he’s hired Mayor Pete, Karine Jean-Pierre, and Kamala Harris. Raising housing fees at a time when mortgage rates are at the highest level in years thanks to the Biden-Pelosi spending spree will make housing less affordable and result in higher mortgage costs and reduced access to credit for most borrowers who are working hard and doing their best just to get by,” Boebert added.

“Over the past year of Biden’s economic failures, mortgage interest rates have doubled. To make matters worse, Biden rolled out new socialist housing changes that forced borrowers with good credit scores to pay more per month to subsidize borrowers with low credit scores. For instance, on a $400,000 mortgage, a borrower with a credit score of 680 would be forced to pay $40 more per month to subsidize similar borrowers with worse credit scores,” she continued.

“Congresswoman Boebert’s amendment to Congressman Warren Davidson’s Middle-Class Borrower Protection Act passed the House by voice vote with unanimous, bipartisan consent. The bill ultimately passed the House with bipartisan support, 230-189. Congresswoman Boebert voted for the Middle-Class Borrower Protection Act since it scraps Joe Biden’s disastrous policy of subsidizing failure at the expense of responsible homeowners,” Boebert’s office added in its press release.


Boebert made headlines last month when she announced plans to force every member of the House to go on record where they stand regarding President Joe Biden’s policies and alleged actions while in office.

Boebert has argued that Biden continues to exhibit negligence concerning the U.S. border, thereby failing to ensure the safety of Americans against the influx of deadly fentanyl and criminal activities. Additionally, she has said that the president hasn’t been unsuccessful in alleviating the burden on the country’s immigration system.

“Biden intentionally ceded command & control of our border to cartels. His dereliction of duty caused the deaths of over 900 Coloradans from fentanyl, enabled sex trafficking, & allowed an invasion,” she wrote in a subsequent tweet. “I brought my articles of impeachment up via a privileged motion to force a vote.

Boebert accused Biden of mishandling his “constitutional duty to secure our southern border” and said she would introduce the impeachment articles if GOP leaders wouldn’t.

“Given the severity of the violation of Joe Biden’s constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of the president, United States to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, this is something that we must do with our majorities in the House of Representatives,” Boebert said. “This is our duty because Joe Biden has neglected the constitutional duty of the office of President of the United States.”

“I introduced the articles of impeachment in the last Congress and had fully intended to introduce them this Congress, but I was also giving some other committees and leadership the opportunity to lead on this,” Boebert continued.

“It’s about Joe Biden’s failure to secure the southern border,” she told Fox News.